At DecksyDesigns, we're proud to be a slow fashion business. We believe in sustainable and responsible practices, and we're committed to reducing our impact on the environment.
When you place an order with us, we don't have a ready-made item sitting in a warehouse. Instead, we start working on your order right away, creating it on-demand. This helps us avoid overproduction for every micro-trend, which is a major problem in the fashion industry. This way we get to take care of you and the planet we all share by keeping an excessive amount of products away from the landfill. Creating products on-demand means reducing the harm by at least 20%. Becoming more sustainable is not a straightforward road. There is still a long way to go for us on our sustainability journey, and we will keep improving our processes and products.
We have partnered with printing stations and logistics providers worldwide so that we can quickly ship your order locally or from close to you. Apart from keeping shipping times and cost less, this significantly reduces carbon emissions.
All of our prints are done with eco-friendly inks, and we carefully select our base blanks from tried and trusted brands that prioritise the earth and humane workplaces. When you shop with us, you can feel good about the products you're buying.